A Field Study on Improvement of Indoor Air Quality, Occupants' Perceived Air Quality, Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms, and Learning Concentration with Indoor Plants in University Classrooms

실내식물의 대학강의실 IAQ 및 학습집중도 개선효과

  • 오근숙 (부경대학교 공과대학 건축공학과) ;
  • 정근주 (부경대학교 공과대학 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2012.02.29
  • Published : 2012.07.25


This study focuses on the relationship between indoor plants and Indoor Air Quality(IAQ). And the improvement of IAQ has caused enhancement of potential work performance. So we conducted to investigate improvement effects of IAQ, occupants' Perceived Air Quality(PAQ), Sick Building Syndrome(SBS) symptoms, and learning concentration with the indoor plants in two actual university classrooms, especially because university classroom is required high levels of physiological and psychological work. Each experiments were conducted for about 3 hours(plants absent:75min.-break time:20min.-plants present:75min.). After break time, we arranged the indoor plants(Areca palm) approximately 15.87% of floor area by the window in the classroom and then we measured the increasing level of indoor air contaminants, surveyed PAQ, SBS symptoms and learning concentration during a semester(March~June). From the result of this study, university classrooms need to improve IAQ, especially $CO_2$ concentration that was continually increase by respiration of students. The increasing level of $CO_2$ concentration without the indoor plants was 50% more higher than with them. And PAQ(Freshness 400%, p=0.03; Acceptability 140%, p=0.04), SBS symptoms(108%, p=0.49), Learning concentration(120%. p=0.62) of students actually were improved by the indoor plants.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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