애완토끼에서 과잉성장된 하악치아의치신경치료 연구

Nonvital Pulp Therapy of Elongation of Roots of Mandibular Cheek Teeth in Pet Rabbits

  • Park, Cheon-Sik (Department of Infectious Diseases & Avian Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine and Korea Zoonosis Research Institute, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Cha, Se-Yeoun (Department of Infectious Diseases & Avian Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine and Korea Zoonosis Research Institute, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kang, Min (Department of Infectious Diseases & Avian Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine and Korea Zoonosis Research Institute, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Jury (Department of Infectious Diseases & Avian Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine and Korea Zoonosis Research Institute, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Jeong, Soon-Wuk (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Konkuk) ;
  • Jang, Hyung-Kwan (Department of Infectious Diseases & Avian Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine and Korea Zoonosis Research Institute, Chonbuk National University)
  • 심사 : 2012.12.04
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


애완 토끼의 치아는 정교하게 배열되고 정렬되어 서로 마모되면서 그 형태와 교합을 유지한다. 어떠한 요소이던 치아의 위치를 변화시키는 요소는 비록 작은 부분이라고 하더라도 부정교합을 일으키고 크라운의 과잉성장을 야기한다. 토끼의 후천적 치아질환과 부정교합은 치아 뿌리의 성장을 특징으로 한다. 이러한 현상은 애완토끼에게서 흔히 발생한다. 정상위치를 벗어난 치아 뿌리는 두개골을 관통하여 농양을 형성한다. 치아문제와 관련된 임상증상으로는 식욕저하, 유연, 치근농양, 과도한 눈물분비가 있다. 임상증상이 나타난 토끼들에게는 치신경 치료가 필요하다. 이 논문은 통증, 식욕부진, 유연, 과도한 눈물분비, 누낭염 증상으로 치신경 치료를 받은 토끼들의 외과적 절차와 수술후 회복과정을 간략하게 서술하였다. 31케이스 중 후천적 치아질환을 치료하기 위해 10마리의 토끼는 치신경 치료를 받았다. 치신경 치료는 치아 뿌리의 성장을 영구적으로 해결하기 위한 방법이다. Root canal 의 치수 조직을 제거한 후 식염수로 세척하였다. 이후 Guatta percha points와 IRM으로 치수강을 채웠다. 치신경 치료 후 10개중 8개의 케이스에서 예후가 좋았고, 토끼 보호자분들의 수술후 관리가 양호하였다. 본 결과를 통하여 하악 어금니의 치아 뿌리가 과잉성장한 케이스에서 치신경 치료가 수행될 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

Elongation of cheek teeth roots in pet rabbits is very common, and is associated with malocclusion followed by reduced appetite, salivation, periapical abscess, and epiphora. Conservative methods including medication, drainage, irrigation, tooth trimming, intraoral and extraoral extraction, surgical treatment of periapical abscessation, and diet control have been adapted as the only treatments to resolve elongation of teeth roots. However, remaining challenges include the long-term period of cure and recurrence. This study was performed to investigate the possibility of nonvital pulp therapy on elongation of the mandibular cheek teeth roots in pet rabbits. Thirty-one pet rabbits with dental problems due to root elongation were submitted. Ten pet rabbits among them were treated by nonvital pulp therapy procedures (group A), while the others were treated by conservative methods (group B). Appetite improved within 1-5 days after nonvital pulp therapy and the treatment was discontinued 1 month postoperatively in group A. Abscess occurred in another site not treated with nonvital pulp therapy in only two rabbits. Growth of the mandibular cheek teeth treated with nonvital pulp therapy stopped, resulting in malocclusion, intraoral inflammation from the enamel spur, and abscess of the teeth roots. In the group B rabbits treated with conservative therapy, partial drainage, long term medication, recurrent oral trimming and control of repeated oral inflammation occurred. Consequently, buccotomy or tooth extraction was performed in group B. Owners were satisfied with nonvital pulp therapy preventing dental root abscess and repeated troubles including inflammation and malocclusion and reduction of the treatment period. These results suggest that nonvital pulp therapy can be performed on pet rabbits with elongation of mandibular cheek teeth roots.



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