'리좀' 개념에서 본 현대 공공공간의 특성 및 표현방법에 관한 연구 - 2000년 이후 개관한 미술관을 중심으로 -

A Study on Characteristics and Expression Methods of Contemporary Public Spaces from Concept of 'Rhizome' - Focusing on Art Museums Launched After 2000 -

  • 김은주 (영남대학교 가족주거학과) ;
  • 서지은 (영남대학교 가족주거학과)
  • 투고 : 2012.10.31
  • 심사 : 2012.12.10
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze characteristics and expression methods of contemporary art museums from the perspective of 'Rhizome', which is considered under similar context as 'indeterminacy' that represents the characteristics of contemporary public spaces. Methods of this study are as follows. First, necessity of this study is verified by investigating literature data and preceding studies, and by examining the fact that indeterminate characteristic is a new approach to contemporary public spaces. Second, in order to analyze Rhizomic expression in public spaces, analysis criteria are suggested by extracting components of public spaces and spatial characteristics of R150hizome from the literature. Third, Rhizomic characteristics and expression methods used in contemporary art museums are understood based on such analysis criteria. Fourth, when each spatial characteristic is expressed in art museums, the study found out that two factors among 'program', 'circulation', and 'form' are planned out as a mixture. Therefore, 'cohesion' is expressed as 'program' and 'form' in contemporary public spaces viewed from the perspective of 'Rhizome'. Also, 'diversity' is actively expressed through 'program' and 'circulation', and 'non-hierarchy' through 'form' and 'circulation'. Such methods are positive methods of expressing indeterminate contemporary public spaces. Since this study conducted analysis on characteristics and expression methods of public spaces from Rhizomic perspective of contemporary society, such results are deemed valuable in planning out public spaces that reflect the characteristics of contemporary society.



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