Evaluation of 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl Radical Scavenging Effect, Cytotoxicity and Tyrosinase Inhibition Activities in 4 Species of Herb Plants

허브 식물 4종의 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl 라디칼 소거능, 세포 독성 및 tyrosinase 저해활성 검정

  • Park, Hye-Won (College of Bio-resource Sciences, Dankook University) ;
  • Jang, Ka-Hee (College of Bio-resource Sciences, Dankook University) ;
  • Hussain, Mubshar (Department of Agronomy, Bahauddin zsakariya University) ;
  • Lee, Dong-Jin (College of Bio-resource Sciences, Dankook University)
  • Received : 2012.04.30
  • Accepted : 2012.09.10
  • Published : 2012.12.31


The present study was conducted to evaluate of the 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging effect, cytotoxicity and tyrosinase inhibition activities using methanol extracts from different parts of four herb plants. The results showed that whole and root extracts of yarrow the highest total polyphenol and flavonoid contents as well as whole of yarrow revealed the highest DPPH radical scavenging effect. In cytotoxicity test against three cancer cell lines, HeLa (uterus), SK-Hep-1 (liver), and YD-15 (oral), the whole extract of feverfew showed the highest toxicity with $IC_{50}$ values of $102.58-138.68{\mu}g/mL$. Also, mallow root extract ($71.24{\mu}g/mL$) exhibited potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity comparable to arbutin ($69.56{\mu}g/mL$), which was used as the control.

본 연구는 4종의 허브 식물의 부위별 MeOH 추출물에 대한 DPPH 라디칼 소거능, 세포독성 그리고 tyrosinase 저해활성을 검정하기 위해 시행되었다. yarrow의 지상부와 뿌리 추출물에서 총 폴리페놀 함량과 플라보노이드 함량이 가장 높았을 뿐만 아니라 yarrow의 지상부에서는 높은 DPPH 라디칼 소거능을 확인하였다. HeLa (uterus), SK-Hep-1 (liver), YD-15 (oral) 세포주를 이용하여 세포독성을 확인한 결과, feverfew의 지상부에서 가장 높은 세포독성을 보였으며 $102.58-138.68{\mu}g/mL$$IC_{50}$값을 확인하였다. 또한, mallow의 뿌리 추출물($71.24{\mu}g/mL$)에서는 대조구로 사용한 arbutin ($69.56{\mu}g/mL$)과 비교하여 tyrosinase 저해 활성에 효능이 있는 것으로 판단되었다.



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