2000년대 패션에 표현된 미니멀리즘과 맥시멀리즘의 비교 미학적 연구

A Comparative Study on Minimalism and Maximalism in the 2000s Fashion

  • 박은경 (인천대학교 패션산업학과)
  • Received : 2012.07.16
  • Accepted : 2012.10.07
  • Published : 2012.12.31


This research aims to study comparatively on the aesthetic characteristics of minimalism and maximalism in the 2000s fashion, based on the previous studies in art and design. For this purpose, literature survey and demonstrative analysis of fashion collection photographs were performed. The scope of this research is from 2000 to 2010. The results are as follows: First, the formativeness of minimalism fashion in the 2000s is analyzed as understatement, simplicity, non decorativeness. The internal meanings are reduction, purity, asceticism, transcendence and practicality. Second, the formativeness of maximalism fashion in the 2000s is analyzed as enlargement, fusion, decorativeness, luxury and avant-garde. The internal meanings are pluralism, open mind, sensibility, fun and materialism. Third, minimalism and maximalism fashion in the 2000s are opposite when compared to each other. While minimalism pursues the nature of human being by ascetic approach, maximalism does it by immersing in human affairs. Within the spectrum of these two opposing ends, there are different degrees of expressions. Also these two trends fuse with other styles. As these trends express and pursue the nature of human being, they are expected to exist incessantly in the future.



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  93. Walker, Harriet (2011), Less is more. Minimalism in Fashion, London: Merrell Publishers Limitied, pp. 12-14.
  94. Walker, Harriet (2011), Less is more. Minimalism in Fashion, London: Merrell Publishers Limitied, pp. 165-166.

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