A Study on the Model Development of Unit Plan and Cluster Housing, Modern Hanok

현대한옥 단위세대와 집합주거 모델개발 기초연구

  • 손승광 (동신대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2011.06.02
  • Accepted : 2011.08.12
  • Published : 2011.08.25


Hanok with a long tradition in our country, but a significant period of modernization in the process of being cut off did not have continuity. Many of Hanok aging, according to the rapid residential development and life-changing was the subject of a complaint. Conversely, the benefits of Hanok was given to the advantages that compare to a monotonous mass housing of apartments. Despite these changes and the potential of these social needs and demands Hanok quickly did not respond: First, for the life of contemporary and traditional Hanok with a form of gap is a matter of space and style. Economy and lifestyle $20,000 for the era of Hanok was to develop a model for spatial configurations. Second, Hanok in a low density, is evaluated to aging, because increasing the economic utilization of land and tailored to their needs as a Hanok housing requires the development of a model, but this did not present a layered model. The purpose of this study is a modern residential Hanok persistence of this set to have 1) the spatial characteristics of traditional and modern urban life Hanok living space that meets the requirements of the degree of each other, to find sustainable elements, and 2) these demands the modern residential area type, combined with a set of Hanok 3) Korea Hanok cultural characteristics which set is created to residential housing types is to develop a basic research.



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