Study on icebreaking performance of the Korea icebreaker ARAON in the arctic sea

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo (Department of Ship and Ocean System, Inha Technical College) ;
  • Lee, Chun-Ju (Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ;
  • Choi, Kyung-Sik (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Systems Engineering, Korea Maritime University) ;
  • Kim, Moon-Chan (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2011.09.30


A full-scale field trial in ice-covered sea is one of the most important tasks in the design of icebreaking ships. The first Korean icebreaking research vessel 'ARAON', after her delivery in late 2009, had a sea ice field trial in the Arctic Sea during July-August, 2010. This paper describes the test procedures and data analysis on the icebreaking performance of the IBRV ARAON. The data gathered from the icebreaking performance test in the Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea during the Arctic voyage of ARAON includes the speed and engine power of the ship as well as sea ice thickness and strength data. The air temperature, wind speed and heading of the ship were also measured during each sea ice trial. The ARAON was designed to break 1 m thick level ice with a flexural strength of 630kPa at a continuous speed of 3knots. She is registered as a KR POLAR 10 class ship. The principal dimensions of ARAON are 110 m, 19 m and 6.8 m in length, breadth and draft respectively. She is equipped with four 3,500kW diesel-electric main engines and two Azipod type propulsion motors. Four sea ice trials were carried out to understand the relationship between the engine power and the ship speed, given the Arctic ice condition. The analysis shows that the ARAON was able to operate at 1.5knots in a 2.5m thick medium ice floe condition with the engine power of 5MW, and the speed reached 3.1 knots at the same ice floe condition when the power increased to 6.6MW. She showed a good performance of speed in medium ice floe compared to the speed performance in level ice. More detailed analysis is summarized in this paper.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Full scale ice sea trials of Korean ice breaking research vessel ‘Araon’ on the big floes near Antarctica vol.18, pp.4, 2013,
  2. Effects of Ship Speed and Ice Thickness on Local Ice Loads Measured in Arctic Sea vol.27, pp.5, 2013,
  3. A Study on Calculation of Local Ice Pressures for ARAON Based on Data Measured at Arctic Sea vol.27, pp.5, 2013,
  4. Study on Estimation of Local Ice Pressures Considering Contact Area with Sea Ice vol.28, pp.5, 2014,