Computation of the inviscid drift force caused by nonlinear waves on a submerged circular cylinder

  • Koh, Hyeok-Jun (Multidisciplinary Graduate School for Wind Energy, Jeju National University) ;
  • Cho, Il-Hyoung (Department of Ocean System Engineering, Jeju National University)
  • 발행 : 2011.09.30


In this paper, we focused on computing the higher-harmonic components of the transmitted wave passing over a submerged circular cylinder to show that it is causing a horizontal negative drift force. As numerical models, a circular cylinder held fixed under free surface in deep water is adopted. As the submergence of a circular cylinder decreases and the incident wavelength becomes longer, the higher-harmonic components of the transmitted wave starts to increase. An increase of the higher-harmonic components of the transmitted wave makes the horizontal drift force be negative. It is also found that the higher-harmonic amplitudes averaged over the transmitted wave region become larger with the increase of wave steepness and wavelength as well as the decrease of submergence depth.



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