Participatory Planning for Operating Slowcity Sangju

슬로시티 상주의 운영방안과 주민참여

  • 도경록 (경북대학교 생태환경대학)
  • Received : 2011.11.30
  • Accepted : 2011.12.12
  • Published : 2011.12.30


The purpose of this study is to suggest better ways for operating Slowcity Sangju based on the literature reviews about Participatory planning and empirical investigation. As a form of participatory planning, survey was conducted and examined the perception of residents toward importance of different sub-plans in operating Slowcity. The results show that the residents in Sangju have high level of preference on the economy related plans such as adding values to local products by applying the name of Slowcity to their resources. In addition, the more expectation and understanding to slowcity they have, the more interested in the participatory process and slowcity planning the residents become. Consequently, this research suggests that it is required for successful participatory planning of Slowcity to building an association for operating Slowcity with local peoples.



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