A Study on the Concept of Ul(鬱) in Medical History - Focused on the theory submitted by Zhang-Zihe(張子和)

'울(鬱)' 개념에 대한 역대의가들의 인식에 대한 고찰 - 장자화(張子和)의 논의를 중심으로

  • Eun, Seok-Min (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics and History, College of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University)
  • 은석민 (우석대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Received : 2010.12.22
  • Accepted : 2011.01.12
  • Published : 2011.01.25


In the pathological theory of Oriental medicine, the concept of Ul(鬱) largely comprises the two meanings as follows. One is the concept used as the meaning of pathological state originated from stasis in Qi-Xie(氣血) or the function of internal organs. The other is the concept used as the meaning of Ul-disease(鬱病), which is a group of symptom that is mostly characterized by stasis in function of Qi system. The concept of Ul in the medical classics was originated from "Neijing(內經)", and in this book it was depicted as five-Ul(五鬱). Since the concept of Ul was depicted in "Neijing", many relevant theory about it had been developed on the basis of the theory in "Neijing", and in the theoretical development like this, the concept of Ul had become a little bit complicated. With regard to the historical change like this, this study is going to focus on some argument in Ming(明) dynasty, which asserted the existence of deficiency[虛證] in Ul that had opposed the general thought of that time usually recognizing the concept of Ul as [實證]. In this point of view, this study regards Zhang-zihe(張子和) as a doctor who had made an important role in the theoretical development of Ul after "Neijing", and will newly analyze the theoretical development of Ul on the basis of the Zhang-zihe's Ul theory, which is seemed to have played the main role in the formation of concept of Ul as excessive state[實證].



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