환경평가제도개선에 관한 연구 -국내외 환경평가제도의 비교 고찰-

Study on the Improvement of the Environmental Assessment system -Comparison of Environmental Impact Assessment System among Different Countries-

  • 투고 : 2010.10.14
  • 심사 : 2011.05.28
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


Over the past three decades, Korea has undertaken a series of reforms to improve development policy, plans and programs, including measures to mainstream the environment across all major sectors. Despite of these efforts, there has been still the lack of capacity to fully assess the environmental impacts as well as sustainable implications of development projects and strategies. At the level of regional and sectoral development plans, the development of strategic environmental assessment SEA systems continues to remain at a relatively early stage in the region with fewer examples of fully operational processes or effective practice. This study shows a further information to our understanding of the EIA and SEA systems and their implementation in Korea. It affords a number of insights into strengths and weaknesses of the current action in different countries, and identifies an agenda of needs and options for capacity building for implementing the EIA enactment.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 환경영향평가제도를 둘러싼 한미FTA 투자분쟁의 가능성: Bilcon 대 캐나다 투자자-국가 간 소송 사례를 통한 교훈 vol.21, pp.4, 2011,