영재관찰추천 과정에서 담임교사의 영재교육전문성 인식 수준에 따른 영재판별의 차이

Difference on Identification of Gifted Students by Level of Perception of Teacher's Professionalism in Gifted Education

  • 투고 : 2011.04.28
  • 심사 : 2011.06.16
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


본 연구는 서울 지역 초등학교 교사 184명을 대상으로 교사의 영재 판별 및 추천에 대한 인식을 조사하였고, 교사의 영재교육전문성 인식 수준에 따라 영재 판별에 대한 차이가 있는지 비교해 보았다. 연구 결과, 교사들의 영재관련 경험에 따라 영재교육전문성 인식 수준에 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 영재직무연수를 이수하였거나 관찰추천을 담당하는 교사의 영재판별에 대한 인식 수준이 일반 교사에 비해 높게 나타났다. 영재관찰추천과정에서 교사들은 영재판별척도로 창의성, 학습동기 및 태도를 가장 높은 판단 기준으로 여겼다. 영재관찰추천과정에서 학부모 추천 및 동료 추천에 대한 교사들의 영재판별척도 중요성 인식은 상대적으로 학습능력, 창의성, 리더십, 학습동기 및 태도에 비해 낮았으며 영재관찰추천과정에서 영재교육전문성 인식 수준이 높은 교사 집단이 창의성, 학습동기 및 태도 영역을 더 중요하게 인식하는 것으로 나타났다.

This research looked into the recognitions of a teacher's discernment & recommendations of gifted elementary students targeting 184 elementary school teachers in Seoul district and compared and contrasted their awareness in order to confirm whether there existed a difference in the discernment of gifted elementary students according to their awareness level of professionalism in gifted and talented education. The research results are as follows: There appeared a significant difference in teachers' recognitions level of professionalism in gifted education according to their experience relevant to a gifted elementary student. The teachers, in the process of observations & nominations of gifted elementary students, pointed out creativity, learning motive and attitude as the highest judging standard and also regard such elements as discerning criteria of gifted students. In the process of observations & nominations of gifted elementary students, it was found that teachers' recognitions of importance of discerning criteria of gifted elementary students in relation to parents or fellow teachers' recommendations appeared relatively lower than their recognitions of importance in relation to learning ability, creativity, learning motive and attitude. The research results showed that a group of teachers, who have a high recognitions level of the professionalism in gifted education in the process of observations & nominations of gifted students, perceive the realm of creativity, learning motive, and attitude as more important. This suggests the necessity of elevating teachers' awareness level of professionalism in gifted and talented education in order to discern high-quality gifted students in the process observations & nominations of gifted elementary students putting emphasis on the realm of creativity, learning motive, and attitude.



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