스마트폰에 대한 소비자선호도 및 구매의도에 관한 연구 : 지각된 비용과 기대혜택을 중심으로

A Study on Consumer Preference and Purchase Intention to Smart Phone : Focused on Perceived Cost and Expected Benefit

  • 한성희 (강원대학교 가정교육과)
  • Han, Sung-Hee (Dept. of Home Economics Education, Kangwon National Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.15
  • 심사 : 2011.03.15
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


This study examined the preference and the purchase intention of male and female from 20s through 405 to smart phones. This study verified the differences between the groups according to the socio-demographic factors, the usage pattern of mobile phone, and the perceived cost and the expected benefit. The analysis of the relative influence of those relevant factors was followed. The summaries of this study are as follows; First, the high level factors in purchasing smart phones were the perceived cost and the expected benefit pointed over 3.82. It means that they arc interested in smart phones highly, and if they can support to buy smart phones and situations can be permitted, they would like to buy them. Second, the differences between groups of the preference and the purchase intention were found according to the ages, the marital status and the education level. The results showed that those preference and the purchase intension were measured high at the group of the 20s-30s, the married, and the higher educational level of collage students. Third, expected benefit on smart phones was shown to be divided into two characterized factors through factor analysis. One was 'functional expected benefit' and the other was 'emotional expected benefit'. The functional and the emotional benefit on the using of smart phones were presented high level in group of over graduated students. Forth, the results of the stepwise multiple analysis, which was carried out to find out the influencing factors on the preference and the purchasing intension to smart phones, showed that the most effective factor was the functional expected benefit. The self-expressive propensity, and the education level were followed sequentially. The purchase intention was influenced by both of the functional and the emotional expected benefit. The result of this study shows that the level of the consumer's perceived cost(economic, psychological) and the expected benefit were measured high at the same time. That means that it is necessary to make the consumer information and communicating smoothly in order to lower the cost and enhance the benefit. In addition, This study has its meaning because it found out that functional expected benefit is a factor which has an influence on the Consumer Preference and Purchase Intention on Smart phone. If consumer's function requirements on smart phone are satisfied, it will be able to reduce the consumer problems and increase the consumer satisfaction. The result of this study would be applicable when Smart Phone is used as one of the auxiliary tools for smart consumption.



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