가평천 상류역의 어류상과 참갈겨니의 개체군 특징

The Fish Fauna and Population of Zacco koreanus in the Upper Region of the Gapyeong Stream

  • 투고 : 2010.12.06
  • 심사 : 2011.02.09
  • 발행 : 2011.02.28


2005년 4월부터 2008년 8월까지 가평천 상류역의 어류상과 참갈겨니 개체군 특성을 조사하였다. 출현한 어종은 총 6과 16종 이었으며 우점종은 Zacco koreanus, 아우점종은 Pungtungia herzi 이었다. 한국고유종은 Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Hemibarbus mylodon, Gobiobotia brevibarba, Microphysogobio longidorsalls, Z. koreanus, Koreocobitis rotundicaudata, Iksookimia koreensis, Silorus microdorsalis, Liobagrus andersoni, Coreoperca herzi, Odontobutis platycephala 등 12종으로 고유화 빈도는 75.0% 이었다. 천연기념물에 속하는 종은 H. mylodon 이었고 멸종위기야생동 식물에 속하는 종은 P. tenuicorpa와 G. brevibarba 이었다. Z. koreanus의 성장도는 3.44, 비만도는 0.004로 이었고 산란시기는 5~6월경 이었다.

The fish fauna and population of Zacco koreanus in the upper region of the Gapyeong Stream was investigation from April, 2005 to August, 2009. The collected species during the survey period were 16 species belonging to 6 families. Dominant species was Z. koreanus and subdominant species was Pungtungia herzi. korea endemic species were Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Hemibarbus mylodon, Gobiobotia brevibarba, Microphysogobio longidorsalls, Z. koreanus, Koreocobitis rotundicaudata, Iksookimia koreensis, Silorus microdorsalis, Liobagrus andersoni, Coreoperca herzi and Odontobutis platycephala, which showed a ratio of 75 % in all collected species. The species of H. mylodon was identified as natural monument, and P. tenuicorpa and G. brevibarba were endangered species. Length-weight relationship in the population of Z. koreanus was 3.44, and condition factor in the popuation was 0.004. The spawning season of Zacco koreanus was May and June.



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