대체의학으로서 백화사설초 급여가 돼지 생산성에 미치는 효과

Effects of Oldenlandidae Herba as an Alternative Medicine on the Swine Productivity

  • 이성래 (제주특별자치도 축정과) ;
  • 윤영민 (제주대학교 수의과대학 및 수의과학연구소) ;
  • 이경갑 (제주대학교 수의과대학 및 수의과학연구소)
  • Lee, Seong-Rae (Livestock Affairs Division, Jeju Special Governing Provincial Office) ;
  • Yun, Young-Min (College of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Cheju National University) ;
  • Lee, Kyoung-Kap (College of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Cheju National University)
  • 심사 : 2011.02.14
  • 발행 : 2011.02.28


As control of swine consumptive disease is the key of success in pig farming business, the effect of Oldenlandidae Herba on prevention of swine diseases as an alternative medicine was investigated in-vivo. As it contains substances such as ${\beta}$-sitisterol, ursolic acid and 3-O-${\beta}$-D-giucoside, it is effective on suppression of colonic tumor in rats and also, is widely used as an preventative medicine of cancer and inflammation in Chinese medicine. In this experiment, sows and piglets on two different farms were treated with Oldenlandidae Herba, and they recoded weaning rate greater than 80%, which were higher than national average 70% (PSY 68%). Meanwhile, neither organ accumulation nor toxicity has been detected on the basis of hematology and serum chemistry. In conclusion, the extracts of Oldenlandidae Herba is expected to be an good alternative medicines for swine productivity.



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