Genome Organization and Transcription Response to Harvest of Two Metallothionein-Like Genes in Agaricus bisporus Fruiting Bodies

  • Eastwood, Daniel C. (Department of Bioscience, College of Science, University of Swansea) ;
  • Bains, Navdeep K. (Warwick HRI, University of Warwick) ;
  • Henderson, Janey (School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Coventry University) ;
  • Burton, Kerry S. (Warwick HRI, University of Warwick)
  • 투고 : 2010.07.19
  • 심사 : 2011.03.02
  • 발행 : 2011.05.28


Metallothioneins are a class of small cysteine-rich proteins that have been associated with increased tolerance to metal and oxidative stresses in animals, plants, and fungi. We investigated a metallothionein-like (mt-like) gene shown previously to be upregulated in fruiting bodies of the fungus Agaricus bisporus in response to post-harvest storage. Analysis of an A. bisporus genomic DNA cosmid library identified two similar mt-like genes (met1 and met2) arranged as a bidirectional gene pair transcribed from the same promoter region. The promoter contained regulatory elements including 9 metal responsive elements and a CAAT box region 220 bp downstream of met1 that showed striking similarity to a feature in Coprinopsis cinerea mt-like gene promoters. Transcriptional analysis showed that both met genes are significantly and rapidly (within 3 hours) upregulated during post-harvest storage and expression is significantly greater in stipe and cap tissues compared with the gills. However, a strong directionality of the promoter was demonstrated, as transcript levels of met1 were at least two orders of magnitude greater than those of met2 in all samples tested.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Gene expression and metabolite changes during Tuber magnatum fruiting body storage vol.60, pp.4, 2011,