- Serial No. 31
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- Pages.155-171
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- 2010
Consideration on Fire-prevention Facilities for Wooden Cultural Heritages
목조문화재 보존을 위한 소방시설에 대한 고찰
- Kim, Tae-Goo (Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
- 김태구 (국립문화재연구소 문화재보존과학센터)
- Published : 2010.11.26
Wooden cultural heritages have many factors of fires and structural characteristics vulnerable to the fire extinguishing. Also, they are surrounded with forests and so remote from fire stations, which make it difficult to handle it quickly when fires break out. Wooden cultural heritages made of wood materials belong to the general fire in a Class A. Taking characteristics such as a smoldering and a backfire from the that fire of wooden materials into consideration, extinguishing the fire by the cooling system is the most effective. If the fire can't be put out at the early stage, it is almost impossible to protect wooden cultural heritages from the fire, because wooden structures can be destroyed in a high temperature and in a short time and it takes around average 7 minutes to reach its peak of flames in the process of a fire. According to the geographical and environmental situation of the cultural heritages, currently, the fire-prevention facilities such as the auto fire detector for the prompt detection, the water mist fire suppression system for the 1st early and urgent fire suppression and the outdoor fire hydrant and the water curtain etc. for the 2nd full-scale suppression and the prevention of the fire gaining force are being installed for the wooden cultural heritages.
- Fire-prevention;
- wooden cultural heritages;
- auto fire detector;
- water mist fire suppression system;
- outdoor fire hydrant;
- water curtain