Supported by : 국립문화재연구소
Within the framework of the Mongolian-Korean Joint Project for "Research and Preservation of Cultural Heritage", I enrolled in 3 months training course from February to May 2010 at the Metal laboratory of Conservation Science Division in National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Korea. Some metal artifacts, which are preserved in Institute of Archaeology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, were brought and restored there. These chosen findings were found at Gobi and mountainous region of Mongolia, preserved under the different circumstances and dated back to Middle Age from Bronze Age. At the Metal laboratory of the NRICH, the conservation work was carried out for three months on 15 metal objects, including arrowhead, stirrup, caltrop, axe, knife, ring and so on, which were found at Khugshin Teel's ruin of Khairkhandulaan soum of Uvurkhangai province, Ungut of Altanbulag soum of Tuv province, Baruun Naran and Ukhaa khudag of Khankhongor and Tsogttsetsii soums of Umnugobi province. The report of the result of this conservation work is available here.
Supported by : 국립문화재연구소