Supported by : 국립문화재연구소
Many bronze artifacts have been excavated and preserved through conservation treatments in Korea but the analysis on artifacts was regarded as destruction of artifacts from the academic world of archaeology, Therefore, it is not so available to perform research on production techniques and provenances by with qualified analysis. Accordingly, there were only a few study cases about quality properties and production techniques But recently gradual change started to appear from the awareness of the need for the scientific approach to excavated artifacts. While Korean ancestors already had applied the different alloying ratios according to the use and shape of bronze artifacts, the analysis and study have been restrictedly performed. As a result, there was only a few analysis cases on a small minority of artifacts because they are the ancient relics, which made it hard to understand the bronze artifacts more deeply. This study researched into components rate, production techniques and hardness of bronze weapons such as a bronze sword and compared their alloying ratios with those of Chinese old records (周禮考工記, 金之六齊).
Supported by : 국립문화재연구소