Toxicity Assessment of Ocean Dumping Wastes Using Fertilization and Embryo Development Rates in the Sea Urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)

말똥성게 (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)의 수정 및 배 발생률을 이용한 해양배출 폐기물의 독성평가

  • Hwang, Un-Ki (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Resources & Environment Division) ;
  • Ryu, Hyang-Mi (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Resources & Environment Division) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Gil (Marine Environment Management Division, National Fisheries Research & Development Institue (NFRDI)) ;
  • Park, Jong-Soo (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Resources & Environment Division) ;
  • An, Kyoung-Ho (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Resources & Environment Division)
  • 황운기 (서해수산연구소 자원환경과) ;
  • 류향미 (서해수산연구소 자원환경과) ;
  • 김성길 (국립수산과학원 연구과) ;
  • 박종수 (서해수산연구소 자원환경과) ;
  • 안경호 (서해수산연구소 자원환경과)
  • Published : 2010.03.31


Toxicity assessment of ocean dumping wastes (dye waste, urban sewage, food waste) were examined in the fertilization and embryo development rates of the Sea Urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Spawning was induced by injecting 1 mL of 0.5 M KCl into coelomic cavity. Males released white or cream-colored sperms and females released yellow or orange-colored eggs. Experiments were began within 30 min the collection of both gametes. The fertilization and embryo development rates test were performed for 10 min and 64 h after fertilization, respectively. The fertilization and embryo development rates in the control condition (not including ocean dumping wastes sludge elutriate) were greater than 90%, but suddenly decreased with increasing of ocean dumping waste sludge elutriate concentrations. The fertilization and normal embryogenesis rates were significantly inhibited in all waste sludge elutriate from dye waste ($EC_{50}$=4.37; $EC_{50}$=1.76), urban sewage ($EC_{50}$=5.79; $EC_{50}$=2.00) and food waste ($EC_{50}$=7.68; $EC_{50}$=2.16), respectively. The NOEC (<3.13) and LOEC (3.13) of fertiliztion and normal embryogenesis rates very similar in all waste sludge elutriate. These results suggest that biological assay using the fertilization and embryo development rates of H. pulcherrimus are very useful test method for the ecological toxicity assessment of ocean dumping wastes.



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