동대문 패션시장의 이미지와 패션제품에 대한 외국인 소비자의 인식 - 두타몰 지역을 중심으로 -

Foreign customers' recognition on DongDaeMun fashion market and products - Focused on the Doota-Mall zone -

  • Ha, Oh-Sun (Dongguk Univ-Seoul, Dept. of Home Economics Education) ;
  • Kim, Hee-Ra (Dongguk Univ-Seoul, Dept. of Home Economics Education) ;
  • Shin, Hye-Won (Dongguk Univ-Seoul, Dept. of Home Economics Education)
  • 투고 : 2009.09.16
  • 심사 : 2009.10.26
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


The purpose of this study is to provide the fundamental data through researching on the actual condition of foreign consumers, the image of DongDaeMun fashion market, the customer satisfaction measurement of DongDaeMun fashion market, and the degree of satisfaction of DongDaeMun market's products. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The analysis on gender who visits DongDaeMun fashion market reveals that female(77.6%) was more than male, and the each age group has a priority in orders of 30s, 20s and 40s. The Japanese shoppers has more willing to visit again and a number of visitors has visited more than twice and many of them came by for the purpose of shopping. Japanese shoppers get the information of DongDaeMun fashion market from families or advertisements by media, while Chinese customers get the information through travel agencies. 2. The image of DongDaeMun fashion market by foreigners is generally positive. They were satisfied with the facilities of DongDaeMun fashion market, the convenience of transportation, business hour and ambience of store, and fashion of clothes. Foreign customers who visited Korea on purpose to do shopping and frequent visitors to Korea have a similar image of DongDaeMun fashion market with that of domestic visitors. 3. The degree of satisfaction to the DongDaeMun fashion market for clothing was usually high. There were only few differences between Chinese shoppers and Japanese shoppers. The higher the satisfaction to the DongDaeMun fashion market was the more they had bought and high intention of visiting. And the more experiences of visiting to the DongDaeMun fashion market showed the higher degree of satisfaction.



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