A Study on Establishing the Evaluation System of the Stock Enhancement Program

수산자원조성사업의 합리적인 평가체계 도입 방안에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2009.12.14
  • Accepted : 2009.12.22
  • Published : 2010.06.30


The main goal of the study is to propose an objective and standardized evaluation system of stock enhancement programs. In order to achieve this goal, the study first suggested the need for stock enhancement program evaluation system through the review of current status and problems. Second, the study identified possible problems of the existing stock enhancement program evaluation by reviewing domestic and foreign evaluation systems. Finally the study proposed a new evaluation system and implementation plan of it. This study also classified the program evaluation criteria into ex-ante evaluation and ex-post evaluation according to the evaluation point in time, and applied the economic, political and technical feasibility tests into the evaluation of the stock enhancement program in order to solve the current problems of the evaluation. The evaluation process of the stock enhancement program is composed of an evaluation system design, estimation of weights using the analytical hierarchy process, design of estimation standard, conversion of scores and final summary of the evaluation. The central government takes the lead in the evaluation of the regional (metropolitan city or province) projects and the regional government is in charge of the evaluation of the local (city or county) projects. For the implementation of the ex-ante evaluation, either the regional or local governments ask for the evaluation and then submit an evaluation plan and other necessary documents to the upper level governments. The ex-post evaluation is then carried out by the upper level governments.



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