Kinematic Character istics to Skill Degree during Dance Sports Rumba Forward Walk

댄스스포츠 룸바 Forward Walk 시 숙련도에 따른 운동학적 특성

  • Seo, Se-Mi (Department of Physical Education, College of Natural Science, Seoul Women's University) ;
  • Kim, Tae-Sam (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Korea National Sport University)
  • 서세미 (서울여자대학교 체육학과) ;
  • 김태삼 (한국체육대학교 대학원 체육학과)
  • Received : 2010.07.30
  • Accepted : 2010.09.15
  • Published : 2010.09.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematic difference between skilled and less skilled group for the forward walk at dance sports rumba. Six female players(skilled group: 3, less skilled group: 3) were participated as the subjects. To obtain the three-dimensional location coordinates in the joints and segments, it shot with 100Hz/s using 8 video cameras. Step length, shoulder rotation angle, orientation angle and angular velocity of pelvis were analyzed for each trail. The skilled group showed a bigger movement than the less skilled group at the shoulder rotation angle and ROM. The skilled group showed a bigger movement than the less skilled group at the up/down obliquity and internal/external rotation movement for pelvis. And the skilled group showed a bigger movement than the less skilled group at Maximum angle (down obliquity) of P2 and Maximum angle (up obliquity) of P3 to pelvis ROM. The skilled group showed a faster angular velocity than the less skilled group at P2 (+ direction, posterior) of anterior & posterior tilt, P2 & P3 (- direction, up) of up & down obliquity, and P2 (+ direction, external) of internal & external rotation.



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