Antecedents of Role-Relaxed Consumption

역할완화소비와 선행변수

  • 전경숙 (한성대학교 예술대학) ;
  • 박혜정 (한국산업기술대학교 교양학과)
  • Received : 2010.03.12
  • Accepted : 2010.06.27
  • Published : 2010.07.31


This study verifies the validity of the role-relaxed consumption scale developed by Kahle (1995b) for Korean consumers. This study also tests a model that includes consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence along with attention to social comparison information as antecedents and their relationships. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul, Korea, using convenience sampling, and 600 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. Correlation analysis, factor analysis, ANOVA and path analysis were conducted in order to analyze the data. It was proved that the role-relaxed consumption scale was effective for Korean consumers. A path analysis showed that consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence and attention to social comparison information influence role-relaxed consumption.



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