우리나라 노인인구의 ADL 결정요인에 관한 연구

An Analysis on Factors Affecting Korean Elderly People's ADL

  • 투고 : 2010.04.30
  • 심사 : 2010.06.16
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Over the past few decades, the proportion of elderly people in Korea has been rapidly increasing. In particular, rural areas are experiencing aging of communities more rapidly compared to urban areas. However, public policy for the elderly does not respond to the needs of rural elderly. To distribute health care resources equitably, it is necessary to gather reliable information on the health status of the elderly. The purpose of this study is to explore factors affecting Korean elderly people's ADL functional status. The data sources are from 2004 Elderly Living Condition Survey. The Analysis sample consists of 3,278 cases. Analysis results show that there is a significant residential variability in education, monthly stipend, living arrangement, subjective health status, regular food in-take, and regular exercise. Logistic regression analysis results also show that 'cognitive ability'(exp(B)=6.603), 'subjective health status'(exp(B)=4.576), 'age'(exp(B)=2.610), and 'living arrangement'(exp(B)=.589) are factors affecting ADLs. Namely, when a respondent's cognitive ability is limited, subjective health status is poor, or if their age is over 75, the probability of having a limited ADL has been 6.6 times, 4.6 times, and 2.6 times higher than otherwise. Among these variables, cognitive ability was the best explanation. In contrast, respondents who live with a spouse or adult children have a lower probability of having limited ADL compared with those who live alone. Considering that the most critical criteria in determining eligibility for social welfare services is ADLs, the development of appropriate ADL assessment tools is in an urgent need. Without the accurate assessment on ADLs, particularly on rural as well as the urban elderly, it seems to be hard to achieve effectiveness in the health care policy for the elderly.



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