출혈위험이 있는 신부전환자의 혈액투석을 위한 근거중심 간호실무 가이드라인 개발과 적용 및 평가

Development, Application and Evaluation of the Evidence-based Nursing Practice Guideline for Hemodialysis in the Patients with Risk of Bleeding

  • Kim, Su-Mi (Department of Nursing Science, Chodang University)
  • 투고 : 2010.05.17
  • 심사 : 2010.05.20
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop evidence-based nursing practice guidelines for hemodialysis in the renal failure patients with risk of bleeding and to evaluate the guidelines by applying it to the practice. Method: Referring to the SIGN, the first draft for guidelines was developed based on the advices and recommendations obtained from the procedure of critical literature analysis. Then, the draft was modified by the procedures of the expert group evaluation and pilot application to the practice. The final draft was evaluated by the expert group using AGREE instrument. Result: The first draft of guidelines was developed through 8 stages of process and was evaluated by seven experts in terms of the appropriateness, applicability, and effectiveness using a 9 point scale. The mean score of 11 items was 7.90 or above. The quality of the final draft was evaluated by 5 experts using the AGREE instrument. The mean standard score was 73.0% or above in the 19 items. Conclusion: The clinical guidelines developed by this research can be utilized as systematic and scientific guidelines for hemodialysis in the renal failure patients with risk of bleeding. In addition, the research can contribute to improving care services.



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