노인 척추 수술환자의 수술 후 일상생활 활동수행 장애

A Follow up Study for Elderly's Disabilities in Performing Activities of Daily Life (ADL) after Lumbar Spinal Surgery

  • 투고 : 2010.05.17
  • 심사 : 2010.06.09
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Purpose: This follow up study was performed to survey the problem in performing ADLs at home after surgery. Method: Twenty elderly patients were assessed 3 times; from the time of hospitalization for surgery until 3 weeks after discharge. Measuring tools are numeric rating scales (NRS) for pain and 3 questionnaires developed by the authors to measure difficulties in ambulation, performing indoor ADLs, and emotional status. Pearson correlation, variance analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Result: The level of pain significantly decreased after surgery, but the difference between pain at the time of discharge and that of 3 weeks after discharge were not significant. Pain showed a positive relationship with emotional difficulties. Elderly with a higher education, family caregiver, and regular exercise showed a lower level of emotional difficulties. Conclusion: Comprehensive approaches for chronic pain including physical, psychological, and social aspects should be considered when caring for the elderly with spinal surgery. In addition, home care nursing interventions should include an exercise program to promote adaptation and rehabilitation after discharge.



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