"호수경(狐首經)"의 문헌적 연구

A Philological Study on Hushoujing(狐首經)

  • 투고 : 2009.12.15
  • 심사 : 2010.02.06
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


Hushoujing(狐首經) is Fengshui documents traditionally known to be written by Baihe(白鶴) of Han(漢) dynasty, which is hardly known in Korea. Baihe, the author, like Qingwuzi(靑烏子) has no evident personal background in history. There is a copy known to be written by Baihe of Han dynasty included in Dilitongyiquanshu(地理統一全書), which was published in 1628. The editor is known as Yuxiangtou(余象斗) from Fujiansheng(福建省) Jianyangxian(建陽縣) the same home town as Zhuxi(朱熹)'s. In contents and system, Hushoujing has the deep(profound) relationships between Qingwujing(靑烏經) and Zangshu(葬書), which attracts attention nowadays. Studying the relationships between Qingwujing, Zangshu and Hushoujing is the realm which requires systematic approach. Another reason for Hushoujing's attraction in Fengshui research lies in the contents related with Liqilun(理氣論). Mentioning Xingqilun(形氣論), Hushoujing also includes the explanation of Chinese compass needle, Deshui(得水) and Pokou(破口), and it is directly connected with the main theme of Liqilun. Hushoujing reveals a view point that both Xingqi(形氣) and Liqi(理氣) are important. Accordingly this means that we can understand Liqilun more clearly through studying Hushoujing. It is clearly recorded in the documents of Song(宋) dynasty that there was odd notes documents of Hushoujing as well as mentioning it. Therefore it is very likely that Hushoujing had been written before Song dynasty. Being contained in Huxianshengyinyangbeiyong(胡先生陰陽備用), Dilicanzanxuanjixianp oji(地理參贊玄機仙婆集), Dilitongyiquanshu, Lidaidilizhengyimishuershisizhong(歷代地理正義秘書二十四種), Xingjiaershizhong(形家二十種), 5 kinds of Hushoujing's copies are descended. The contents of Hushoujing are also introduced in documents of sejong period in The Annals of the Choson Dynasty. This means that Hushoujing is the geographical books prevailed representatively in early years of Choson Dynasty and studying Hushoujing is indispensible to studying Fengshui history or Chinese compass(羅盤) as well as deep understanding of Fengshui theory.



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