모더니즘 건축양식의 조형원리와 현대패션디자인에의 적용

Formative Principles of Modernist Architectural Modes and their Application to Modern Fashion Design

  • 이신영 (동양대학교 패션스타일리스트학과) ;
  • 서승희 (성균관대학교 의상학과)
  • 발행 : 2010.01.31


The multilateral attempt for present applications of art school of thought and expression is leading modern fashion as a chapter of various artistic expression. In fashion, historic art thinking which predominated the period are source of optional inspiration not simply being generated, culminated and disappear but layout principles which can reemerge as periodical needs. In other words, the past styles are the source of inspiration of new trend of the present time and will serve as the text that give birth to yet another trend. In this study, I conducted the research on the layout principles of Modernism Architecture in aspects of pure visibility and the layout characteristics. And I analyzed cases of modern fashion which were appling architectural layout principles in the view point of formal construction dimension. As the result, the layout principles of Modernism Architecture have the characteristics of diagram linearity, geometric planarity and exclusive closing. And I was applying the architectural layout principles of Modernism to fashion. The layout principles of Modernism Architecture have the tendency of lacking history types, abstract plane partition and reductionism purity in fashion. The meaning of this study is follows: The characteristics of art school of thought are given shape by appling & analysing the architectural layout principles of historical art school of thought to modern fashion in the view point of formal construction dimension. The applied possibility of historical art school of thought as the source of inspiration about the fashion design is extended.



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