A Theoretical Study on Family-Friendly Management - Dual Agenda Approach -

이중의제접근을 통한 가족친화경영

  • Lee, Ju-Yeon (The Graduate School of Business Administration Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies) ;
  • Choe, Sok-Ho (The Graduate School of Business Administration Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies)
  • 이주연 (서울과학종합대학원대학교) ;
  • 최석호 (서울과학종합대학원대학교 레저경영전문대학원)
  • Received : 2010.04.01
  • Accepted : 2010.06.28
  • Published : 2010.08.31


The purpose of this study is to review previous domestic and foreign studies and to investigate personal work-life harmonization through theoretical research on familyfriendly management using a dual agenda approach. The authors briefly identified trends and critically reviewed domestic researches on family-friendly management and foreign studies of scholars that overcame the limitations of domestic studies to present a foundation for work-life harmonization through a dual agenda approach. As a result, the existing family-friendly management was found to be compatible with work and family but was not effective in developing personal careers. The workers who actively accepted family-friendly management as part of their work-life balance were mostly female laborers who were employed part-time, had lower academic education, earned lower wages and, in general, were non-professional workers without specific skills or career aspirations. The remainder of the workers, full-time male employees, with higher education and with professional knowledge and skills, inevitably worked longer, more labor-intensive hours, due to the advent of the dual agenda approach. A new work-life harmonization program is urgently needed not only for family-friendliness but also for healthy organizations, individual career development and personal wellbeing.



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