간헐적인 압축하중이 조골세포주 성장에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Intermittent Compressive Loading to Growth of Pre-osteoblast Cells

  • 최성규 (충북대학교 정밀기계공학과) ;
  • 박정훈 (포항공과대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 이승재 (충남대학교 BK21 메카트로닉스 사업단) ;
  • 이인환 (충북대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 강상순 (충북대학교 과학교육과)
  • Choi, Sung-Kyu (Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering, Chungbuk National Univ.) ;
  • Park, Jeong-Hun (Department of Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Jae (BK21 Mechatronics group, Chungnam Natioanl Univ.) ;
  • Lee, In-Hwan (School of Mechanicsal Engineering, Chungbuk National Univ.) ;
  • Kang, Sang-Sun (School of Science Education, Chungbuk National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2010.02.01


Recently, it has been reported that mechanical stimulation takes a role in improving cell growth. Also, became generally known that skeletal system as bone or cartilage tissues take influence of compression loading. In this study, we fabricated a custom-made bioreactor and analyzed that conditions of compressive loading would influence cell growth. To compare the effect of intermittent compressive loading on cell-encapsulated agarose scaffold, we cultured preosteoblast cell (MC3T3-E1 cells) statically and dynamically. And dynamic culture conditions were produced by changing parameters such as the iteration time and interval delay time. Also, cellencapsulated agarose scaffold were subjected to 10 % dynamic compressive strain at 1㎐ frequency for 7 days. After cell culture, cell proliferation was assessed with PI stain assay for fluorescence images and flow cytometry (FACS).



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