실내공간의 주시특성에 관한 연구 - 전회공간의 주시시간 보정을 통해 -

A Study on the Property of Visual Perception of Interior Space - By revising the observation time of the design element -

  • 최계영 (경남정보대학 인테리어디자인학과) ;
  • 김종하 (동양대학교 건축실내디자인학과) ;
  • 이정호 (경북대학교 건축.토목공학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


This study analyzed and defines the property of visual perception throughout the revision of the observation time of the original space and the rotating space. The conclusions of this study are as fellows: First, based on the existing theory and experiment, the study obtained the basis which decides the sector data originating fixation-gaze after staring the specific sector over 300ms time. It will become the turning point hereafter for our research to fix the time in this way. Second, in analyzing the minute data, the study built a revision method of the observation time by analyzing the meanings and the reasons of the revision of the original data. Third, according to the difference of revision quantity, female testee have more increases in the amount of data than male testee from the original screen. On the other hand, the opposite tendency appears from the previous data. This shows there is a difference in the observation properly by sex. Last, we could grasp Information about the property of the observation time throughout eyeball fixations, and the revision and analysis of the 'controlled observation data'. These data can be used in design element arrangement of interior space, hereafter.



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