현대건축에서 사용자의 개념 및 역할 변화에 대한 연구

A Study on Definition and Role of 'USER' in Contemporary Architecture

  • 이혁찬 (국민대학 건축대학) ;
  • 최왕돈 (국민대학 건축대학 건축학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


The relationship between architects and users has been multifarioiusly changed through architectural history. From the viewpoint of using a building, users who experience and interpret the building are as important as architects who design it. In the past, architects are not interested in the role of users. Modern architects only emphasized the concepts of users based on efficiency, and therefore users had the passive role following the design intentions in the space architects had created. However, since the end of modern movement, diverse definitions of users have been attempted. Especially the aesthetics of reception reilluminates the role of users neglected in modern movement. Therefore the one-way relationship between architects-buildings are changing into the interactive relationship between architects-buildings-users, and it results from the fact that users have the ability to reinterpret and create architectural space as well. Users have more creative and positive role in architectural space making and architects, too, reflect these trend in their architecture.



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