지자체 공연장의 천안 봉서홀과 대전 CMB엑스포 아트홀 무대 조명 시스템 운영 및 개선에 관한 연구

A Study on the stage lighting operation and improvement of Cheonan City Hall Bongseo Hall and CMB EXPO art hall performance art hall of local self-government corporation

  • 이장원 (스타 L.V.S, 대전보건대학 방송제작과)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


Stage lighting system is very important in theater. Because basic of performing art. Recently, The stage lighting system is very close with a performing arts. The performance arts is to have an easy communication between actors and audience. All activities related to performance art take place between the stage light and auditorium. Therefore, when constructing theater the best conditions of the stage light system should be considered for the smooth progress of play. It will be method of solution that basically facility in the performance art hall. The results of this study can be used for suggesting an operation and system improvement for stage lighting system in performance art hall. Recently, changes in the progress of plays have required the perfect stage light system. As a result, performance art hall are the most advanced stage lighting system technology of changed. The following procedures were taken for this research-the literature on the development of stage lighting system and equipment, structure, and the dimmer and computer console system has been reviewed theoretically Most of all, Cheonan City Hall Bongseo Hall and CMB EXPO art hall is important a sample of lighting system. The result of this study presents operation and system improvement stage lighting system in theater, below to operation and system improvement at stage lighting system local self-government corporation performance art hall are inconsistent stage.



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