융합기술연구소 실험공간의 특성과 오픈랩 시스템에 관한 연구

A Study on Spatial Characteristics of the Converging Technology Laboratory and Open-Lab System

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


This study attempts to find out the spatial characteristics of the converging technology laboratory. For this, the understanding of the nature of converging technology and its necessary system requirements are crucial. The foremost concern lies in the 'flexibility' of the laboratory space, i.e. 'open-lab system', because of the multi-disciplinary spatial arrangement which is supposed to be open to a number of different research fields in the same building cluster. From the case analysis, this study reveals that in order to maximize the adjustability, the module based space unit plan should be considered at the earliest stage. In addition, it is also found from the analysis that the linkage of the communication spaces such as seminar room, auditorium, lounge, rest room, dining room, and corridors should be dealt with a higher degree of sophistication, since these facilitate the interaction of information at the behavioral level.



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