평가모델에 의한 대학 교육시설 공간의 효율성에 관한 연구 - C대학 공과대학을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Spatial Efficiency of Educational Facilities at Universities through Evaluation Models - With Focus on the 'C' University Engineering College -

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


This study examines the issue of space management of university facilities by an assessment model as part of efforts to deal with the crisis of universities. To this end, the study addressed efficiency issue and structural problems using assessment model factors, with the aim of figuring out legitimacy and allocating methods for this purpose. Selected model factors included utilization ratio, residual ratio, vacancy ratio, and occupancy ratio, while for the latter, we investigated into the present situations of space use, focusing on construction, design, and living dimensions. As a result, the study suggested that in the future universities will resort to extension and rebuilding or new building for their facilities. To ensure space efficiency without conflict, we should follow legitimacy of space allocation and composition, building quality university facilities, creating quality environment, preventing tuition from rising or Improving welfare to keep pace with the new era.



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