산릉(山陵).영건의궤(營建儀軌) 분석을 통한 조선후기 관영 건축공사의 석회에 관한 연구 - 석회의 생산.조달.적용을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Lime of Government Constructions Based on the Analysis of Construction Reports in the Late of Joseon Dynasty(17~19c) - Emphasized on the production, provision, and application of lime -

  • 이권영 (동명대 건축대학 실내건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2009.10.10
  • 심사 : 2009.12.15
  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


The history to have used lime in building construction was much long without distinction of the East or the West. The ancient nations of korean peninsula had used lime as construction material. The witness was discovered in the kings' tombs of fifth century. In the Joseon dynasty(15~19c), what applied several developed lime compounds to the kings' tombs have been recorded in 'Sanleong-Uigwe(山陵儀軌)' & 'Yeonggeon-Uigwe(營建儀軌)' of those days documents. Therefore, this paper is to examine the whole procedures from the product and provision of lime to its application through those days documents. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. Three lime compounds to be developed for the kings' tombs was extendedly applied to residential government buildings step by step within the current of time. These compounds to be used in the kings' tombs of the Joseon dynasty had been correlated to those of the ancient nations, which were nations of korean peninsula in narrow range, chinese and orient nations in broad range. These compounds have possibilities of development as the environmental-friendly building material. And these compounds should provide a standard specification for conservation & restoration of the traditional and cultural properties. I could confirm that the whole procedures had not been developed within limited space-time of the specified nation & period, but within interactions of the nations & periods. In the periods which disturb its interaction, the expansion of productivity in building construction was interfered.



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