대안적 농식품체계로써 신토불이 운동의 재해석

A Study on the Reinterpreting of Shintoburi Movement as Alternative Agri-food System

  • 현의송 ((사)농산어촌어메니티연구회) ;
  • 임형백 (성결대학교 지역사회개발학부)
  • 투고 : 2009.02.25
  • 심사 : 2009.05.29
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The objectives of this study were to compare alternative agri-food system among Korea, Japan, USA and Italy. This study explore the situation and its challenge of alternative agri-food system. Alternative agri-food system is movement against global agri-food system and food multinationalization. Four alternative agri-food system not only have something in common but also have something in difference. We tried to make clear the commons and differences. But many these ideas were useful in someways, but none could be used to explain everything. This study was the touchstone of Korea's alternative agri-food system. We introduced simplistic ideas and compared four alternative agri-food system. This study sparking renewed discussion about Korea's alternative agri-food system, namely, 'The domestic farm products are the best movement'.



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