교구를 활용한 수업에서의 수학적 표현과 행동 특성의 변화 - 정다면체 지도를 중심으로 -

The change of mathematical representations and behavioral characteristics in the class using manipulative materials - Focused on teaching regular polytopes -

  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


In this study, we developed the teaching methods using manipulative materials to teach regular polytopes, and applied these to first-year student of middle school who is attending the extra math class. In that class, we focused on the change of the mathematical representations -especially verval, visual and symbolic representations- and mathematical behavioral. By analyzing characterstics the students' work sheets, we obtained affirmative results as follows. First, manipulative materials played an important role on drawing a development figure of regular polyhtopes describing the verval representation definition of regular polytopes. Second, classes utilizing manipulative materials changed students verbalism level of representations the definition of regular polytopes. For example, in the first class about 60% of students are in the $0{\sim}2$ vervalism level, but in the third class, about 65% of students are in the $6{\sim}7$ level. Third, classes utilizing manipulative materials improved visual representation about development figure. After experiences making several development figures about regular octahedron directly, and discussion, students found out key points to be considered for draws development figure and this helped to draw development figures about other regular polytopes. Fourth, students were unaccustomed to make symbolic representations of regular polytopes. But, they obtained same improvement in symbolic representations, so in fifth the class some students try to make symbol about something in common of whole regular polytopes. Fifth, after the classes, we have significant differences in the students, especially behavioral characteristics in II items such as mind that want to study own fitness, interest, attachment, spirit of inquiry, continuously mathematics posthumously. This means that classes using manipulative materials. Specially, 'mind that want to study mathematics continuously' showed the biggest difference, and it may give positive influence to inculcates mathematics studying volition while suitable practical use of manipulative materials. To conclude, classes using manipulative materials may help students enhance the verbal, visual representation, and gestates symbol representation. Also, the class using manipulative materials may give positive influence in some part of mathematical behavioral characteristic. Therefore, if we use manipulative materials properly in the class, we have more positive effects on the students cognitive perspect and behavioral cteristics.



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