여학생이 지각하는 부모의 양육태도와 성역할 정체감에 따른 과학에 대한 태도 비교

Comparison of Attitudes Toward Science by Child-rearing Attitude of Parents Perceived by Female Students and Sex-role Identity

  • 발행 : 2009.08.30


The purpose of this research is to compare the attitudes of female students in Korea toward science with the child-rearing attitude of their parents they perceived and their sex-role identity. The participants in this study were 374 female middle- and high-school students, chosen randomly from Seoul and Gyenggi-do in South Korea. We used three different forms of questionnaires in this research: "Scale of Parents' Child-rearing Behaviors Perceived by Teenagers", "Korea Sex-role Survey", and "Attitude Toward Science Measurement." The significant results were acquired after we had analyzed the comparison of the attitude of female students toward science with their perception on their parents' child-rearing attitude, especially on their fathers. The fathers' "monitoring" and "over-expectation" factors affected the attitudes of female students toward science; on the other hand, any child-rearing attitudes of their mothers did not influence their attitudes toward science. We also analyzed the attitudes of female students about science based on their sex-role identities. In consequence, we found that meaningful differences existed in four types of gender-role identity: androgyny type, masculinity type, femininity type and undifferentiated type. In particular, the androgyny type was characterized by a higher score in attitude toward science compared with the undifferentiated type.



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