As global climate changes, the interest in environmental crisis is increasing and a number of international agreements and regulations against this crisis are being established. Global information technology(IT) corporations are building their own pro-environmental green IT strategies to cope with the regulatory measures. Green IT broadly refers to pro-environmental technologies designed to replace hazardous materials, maximize energy effectivity, and find alternative energies. In the current stage of the IT industry development, Green IT specifically refers to the technologies that deal with the server heat generation and the energy reduction in data center. This study defines the concept of Green IT and reviews its origin and necessity. Then, it examines the issues regarding Green IT industry in Korea as well as other countries and compares the Green IT strategies developed in each country. Reviewing the recent development of IT and data center market enables us to see that overall Green IT strategies focus on the establishment of Green Internet Data Centers. Therefore, this study analyzes the cases in which some domestic and foreign corporations introduced Green Data Centers in order to examine the protocol and legal requirements for building Green IT, the aspects of environmental evaluation and design, and specific strategies for launching Green IT strategies and its future assignments. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, to introduce Green Data Center as a strategy to build Green IT, the government and corporations should cooperate with each other. Partial introduction at the initial stage is desirable because, through the process, mutual trust between the two parties can be built more smoothly. Second, CEO's determination to build Green IT and continue its operation is indispensable. CEO's are required to have clear understanding as to why Green IT needs to be built and how it should be constructed. Those who initiate the construction of Green Data Center for Green IT need to know the definition and necessity of Green IT while at the same time understanding the implicit meanings of Green IT. They also need to be aware of future-oriented values of Green Data Center and readjust their corporate business activities in the pro-environmental direction. Finally, not only the CEOs' pro-environmental activities but also the change of mind on the part of all corporate employees is required to realize Green IT. It should be remembered that pro-environmental Green IT starts with minor activities.
그린 IT는 IT 기반의 친환경 기술을 포괄하는 개념으로서 넓은 범위에서는 유해물질 대체, 에너지 효율화, 대체에너지 등 친환경적 기술을 의미한다. 현재 IT 산업의 흐름은 서버발열 및 데이터센터 에너지 절감 방안 등에 초점을 맞추어 그린 IT를 정의하고 있다. 본 연구는 문헌조사를 통해 그린 IT의 개념을 정의하고, 그린 IT가 나타난 배경과 필요성을 통해 현재 IT시장에 새롭게 등장한 그린 IT의 이슈 및 각 나라별 전략 및 국내의 전략을 비교분석하였다. 이를 구체적으로 살펴보면, 최근 IT 및 데이터센터 시장 전반 향후 변화 및 흐름을 볼 때 그런 IT는 그런 데이터센터 도입에 초점을 맞추어 사업의 방향과 전략을 수립하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 국내외 기업의 그린 데이터센터 도입을 통한 그린 IT 구축 사례를 통해서 그린 IT 도입기준과 필요조건, 환경평가 및 설계 그리고 구체적인 추진전략과 향후 과제를 제시하였다.