집단놀이치료를 활용한 유아 사회정서적 유능감 프로그램이 친사회성, 유아-교사관계 및 또래유능감에 미치는 효과

Effects of Social-Emotional Competence Program Utilizing Group Play Therapy for Young Children on Prosociality, Teacher-Child Relation and Peer Competence

  • 하영례 (진주산업대학교 아동교육연구소)
  • Ha, Young-Rye (Department of Child Family Welfave, Jinju National University)
  • 투고 : 2009.04.30
  • 심사 : 2009.09.11
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


The purpose of the present investigation was to analyze the effects of a social-emotional competence program utilizing group play therapy in promoting young children's prosociality, teacher-child relations and peer competence. The subjects were 90 five-year-old kindergarten children. The experimental treatment was performed in 14 sessions for 7 weeks. Instruments were the Prosocial Behavior Scale for Young Children (2003), Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (2004), and Iowa Social Competence Scales (1997). Data was analyzed by ANCOVA. Results were that the experiment group showed significantly higher social competence scores than the comparison and control groups. Conclusions were that a social-emotional competence program utilizing group play therapy can be effective in enhancing young children's improvement of prosociality, teacher-child relations, and peer competence.



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