Development of Feasibility Analysis Model for Developer-requested Housing Projects

공동주택 개발사업 참여결정을 위한 사업타당성 분석모델 개발

  • 김기신 ((주)일신설계 종합건축사사무소) ;
  • 이중석 (포스코 건설, 건축사업본부) ;
  • 허영기 (부산대학교 건축학부)
  • Published : 2009.06.20


With construction industry recession, many construction companies are increasingly conducting the development projects by themselves. However, housing projects requested by developers still stand large portion. Although many studies on feasibility analysis were released, they mainly focused on economic feasibility and lacked research on factors and criterions of overall project. Also, because previous studies overly break downed factors related to project, they rarely used in practice. Therefore, this study developed the feasibility analysis model of housing development projects to help main contractors to easily and effectively decide if it is feasible enough to promote the projects requested by developers, and verified the reliability of the model. In this study, thirty one driving factors were identified under seven different categories and the criterion of each factor was also developed. The survey on important index of each factor found 'salability', 'economic feasibility', 'site location' and 'method of raising fund' significant. 12 projects were tested by the model and its results showed resonable reliability.



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