하중-변위 관계를 고려한 기하 비선형 구조물의 위상 최적 설계

Topology Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Structure Considering Load-Displacement Trajectory

  • 노진이 (경북대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 윤길호 (경북대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 김윤영 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.01


This paper is concerned with a computational approach for topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures following specific load-displacement trajectories. In our previous works, attention was paid to stabilize topology optimization involving large displacement and a method called the element connectivity parameterization was developed. Here, we aimed to extend the element connectivity parameterization method to find an optimal geometrically nonlinear structure yielding a specific load-displacement trajectory. In contrast to designing a stiffest structure, the trajectory design problem requires special consideration in topology optimization formulation and solution procedure. Some numerical problems were considered to test the developed element connectivity parameterization based formulation.



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