고저차 3m 이상 지표면의 가중평균지표면 산정방법에 관한 연구

A Study on the Proper Definition of Ground Level under the Building Act - Difference of heights which is over 3 meters -

  • 발행 : 2009.04.25


My questionaire survey revealed that even those experts that engage in architectural design did not precisely understand much of the regulations concerning ground-level. In terms of restricting the size of the building area, the generous policy of excluding balconies and basements from the calculation of building size actually causes problems. As far as the right to sunshine is concerned, the weighted average ground-level is determined to be the ground-level standard of the neighboring plot when the neighboring plot is a sloping bare ground. When the difference of heights is over 3 meters, it would be appropriate to assess the weighted ground-level standard every 3 meters.



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