알긴산, 폴리글루론산 및 폴리만뉴론산에 의한 금속이온의 흡착

Biosorption of Metal Ions by Seaweed Alginate, Polyguluronate, and Polymannuronate

  • 발행 : 2009.05.30


$P_{1/2}$ 값을 참고로 비교한 알긴산, 폴리글루론산 및 폴리만뉴론산의 금속이온들에 대한 상대적인 친화성은 다음과 같다; 1) 알긴산: $Cu^{2+}$ > $Cd^{2+}$ > $Pb^{2+}$ > $Fe^{3+}$ >> $Zn^{2+}$ > $Sr^{2+}$ > $Ca^{2+}$ > $Co^{2+}$ >> $Cr^{6+}$ > $Mn^{2+}$ >> $Hg^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Rb^+$, 2) 폴리글루론산: $Cd^{2+}$ > $Cu^{2+}$ > $Pb^{2+}$ > $Fe^{3+}$ >> $Ca^{2+}$ > $Sr^{2+}$, $Zn^{2+}$, $Co^{2+}$ >> $Mn^{2+}$ > $Cr^{6+}$ >> $Hg^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Rb^+$, 그리고 3) 폴리만뉴론산: $Cd^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$ > $Fe^{3+}$ > $Pb^{2+}$ > $Ca^{2+}$ > $Zn^{2+}$ > $Sr^{2+}$ > $Co^{2+}$ > $Cr^{6+}$ >> $Mn^{2+}$ >> $Hg^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Rb^+$. 알기산 1 g에 흡착하는 $Cd^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$, $Fe^{3+}$, $Pb^{2+}$, 및 $Zn^{2+}$의 양은 $363.5{\pm}45.0$, $226.3{\pm}9.2$, $1,299.4{\pm}$81.3, 500.7${\pm}$27.7 및 165.9${\pm}$11.4 mg이었으며, 폴리글루론산 1g에 흡착하는 $Cd^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$, $Fe^{3+}$, $Pb^{2+}$, 및 $Zn^{2+}$의 양은 354.5${\pm}$26.5, 177.6${\pm}$8.7, 1,288.6${\pm}$60.1, 424.0${\pm}$7.4 및 140.2${\pm}$28.5 mg이었으나, 폴리만뉴론산 1 g에 흡착하는 $Cd^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$, $Fe^{3+}$, $Pb^{2+}$, 및 $Zn^{2+}$의 양은 329.0${\pm}$10.3, 226.9${\pm}$1.9, 1,635.6${\pm}$11.1, 419.8${\pm}$12.6 및 251.0${\pm}$49.1 mg이었다. 폴리만뉴론산은 알긴산보다 높은 용해도와 폴리글루론산보다 높은 금속이온에 대한 친화성 때문에 독성이 높은 중금속이나 경제성이 높은 금속을 선택적으로 분리하는 데 사용할 수 있을 것이다.

Based on $P_{1/2}$ values, relative affinities of alginate, polyguluronate, and polymannuronate for metal ions are, in order, as follows; 1) seaweed alginate: $Cu^{2+}$ > $Cd^{2+}$ > $Pb^{2+}$ > $Fe^{3+}$ >> $Zn^{2+}$ > $Sr^{2+}$ > $Ca^{2+}$ > $Co^{2+}$ >> $Cr^{6+}$ > $Mn^{2+}$ >> $Hg^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Rb^+$, 2) polyguluronate: $Cd^{2+}$ > $Cu^{2+}$ > $Pb^{2+}$ > $Fe^{3+}$ >> $Ca^{2+}$ > $Sr^{2+}$, $Zn^{2+}$, $Co^{2+}$ >> $Mn^{2+}$ > $Cr^{6+}$ >> $Hg^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Rb^+$, and 3) polymannuronate: $Cd^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$ > $Fe^{3+}$ > $Pb^{2+}$ > $Ca^{2+}$ > $Zn^{2+}$ > $Sr^{2+}$ > $Co^{2+}$ > $Cr^{6+}$ >> $Mn^{2+}$ >> $Hg^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Rb^+$. Amounts of the metal ions, $Cd^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$, $Fe^{3+}$, $Pb^{2+}$, and $Zn^{2+}$, bound to 1 g of seaweed alginate, were measured as $363.5{\pm}45.0$, $226.3{\pm}9.2$, $1,299.4{\pm}$81.3, 500.7${\pm}$27.7, and 165.9${\pm}$11.4 mg, respectively. Amounts of the metal ions, $Cd^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$, $Fe^{3+}$, $Pb^{2+}$, and $Zn^{2+}$, bound to 1g of polyguluronate, were 354.5${\pm}$26.5, 177.6${\pm}$8.7, 1,288.6${\pm}$60.1, 424.0${\pm}$7.4, and 140.2${\pm}$28.5 mg, respectively, whereas those bound to 1 g of polymannuronate were 329.0${\pm}$10.3, 206.9${\pm}$1.9, 1,635.6${\pm}$11.1, 419.8${\pm}$12.6, and 251.0${\pm}$49.1 mg, respectively. Due to its higher solubility than alginate and higher affinity for metal ions than polyguluronate, polymannuronate can be used for bioremediation or biosorption of toxic and/or noble metal ions.



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피인용 문헌

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