반도체 기판 교차 파지 방법

Chucking Method of Substrate Using Alternating Chuck Mechanism

  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


Typically, single-wafer wet etching is done by dispensing chemical onto the front and back side of spin wafer. The wafer is fixed by a number of chuck pins, which obstruct the chemical flow and would result in the incomplete removal of the remaining film, which can become a source of contamination in the next process. In this paper, we introduce a novel design of wafer chuck, in which chuck pins are groupped into two and each group of pins fixes the substrate alternatively. Two groups of chuck pins fix the high-speed spin substrate with non contact method using a magnetic material. The actual process has been executed to observe the effectiveness of this new wafer chuck. It was found that the new wafer chuck performed better than the conventional wafer chuck for removing the remaining film from the bevel and edge side of substrate.



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