Simulation of outgassing effects of vacuum materials on vacuum characteristics

  • Kim, Hyung-Taek (Advanced Materials Major, Division of Advanced Materials and Safety Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Incheon) ;
  • Kim, Young-Suk (Advanced Materials Major, Division of Advanced Materials and Safety Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Incheon)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


The outgassing effects of selected vacuum materials on the vacuum characteristics were simulated by the $VacSim^{Multi}$ simulation tool. This investigation examined the feasibility of reliably simulating the outgassing characteristics of common vacuum chamber materials (aluminum, copper, stainless steel, nickel plated steel, Viton A). The optimum design factors for these vacuum systems were suggested based on the simulation results. The baking-out effects of the modeled systems and materials on the performance of the vacuum system were also analyzed. The simulation predicted that the overall outgassing effect was more significant in the TMP system than in the DP system and that the utilization of a booster pump has a greater effect on the evacuation time than on the ultimate pressure.



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