학령전기 아동 부모의 아동 건강지식 정도, 건강습관 지도이행도 수준 및 건강교육 요구도 조사

Health Knowledge, Health-Guidance Execution and Health-Education Needs of Parents of Preschoolers

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Purpose: In an attempt to develop a parental health improvement education program for day care children, survey questions were devised to measured the extent of parental health knowledge, health-guidance execution and needs. Method: Participants were 727 parents whose children attended daycare centers in J province informed consent was provided prior to participation. Result: Respondents were overwhelmingly (91.6%) mothers. Questions with high percentage of incorrect answers were "What should I do if my child swallows harmful drugs, bleach or detergents?" (98.1%) and "What should I do if insects or other bugs enter my child's ear?" (96.6%). In most cases, parental health-guidance execution exceeded 90% except in response to the survey question "Does your child have a dental check-up every 6 months" (51%). Taken together, parental education is necessary concerning growth and development (12.8%), nutrition (12.1%), healthy life styles (10.3%) and general health issues (10.0%). Conclusions: Parental health knowledge about preschooler's health varies with degree of income, education and type of employment. Consideration of these variables is important in a parental health education program.



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