성별에 따른 공적 자기의식, 신체이미지, 사회문화적 영향의 차이에 관한 연구

Public Self-Consciousness, Body Image, & Socio-Cultural Influence on Gender Differences

  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


The purpose of this study was to examine if there were differences in public self-consciousness, body image, and socio-cultural influence between males and females. Six hundred twenty-six adults participated in this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test and reliability test were used. The result of this study is as follows. First, compared to males, females had higher scores on appearance orientation(AO), appearance evaluation(AE), and weight occupation(WP). Also females were more dissatisfied with their bodies such as lower body part or middle body part than males. That is, women had lower body image than men. Second, there was not significantly difference in self-esteem between males and females. Third, females had higher scores on public-consciousness than males did. Fourth, compared to males, females were more influenced by socio-cultural factors such as internalization and awareness. Finally, women had more higher scores on appearance behavior management than men. Based on these results, this study would provide more efficient strategies to reduce negative body image, especially in women.



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